Building Your Business Website 844-627-7747
Building your business website is the single most important aspect of your business. We have said a lot about this throughout our website but not as detailed as we will discuss it here. Whether you have a brick & mortar or you are an internet business only, your website is everything!
First, you DO NOT have to have a huge website with a lot of needless content with images and videos and costs thousands and thousands of dollars.
Second, you need a website that serves your needs with proper content, accurate keyword content and density, and proper SEO set-up from the beginning with one or two videos for YouTube and Google and maybe a few images to add some class to your presentation.
Your website should be organically authoritative and present your company and its service or product with simple but direct information that turns your ad into a click and then turns that click to your website and result in a phone call, email, or by filling out a submission form.
The key is writing a proper ad that reflects your landing page. From there it is about your ad click ratio and your conversion ratio. This can be a difference from a 25% advertising cost ratio down to a 10% cost ratio. Proper ad, proper landing page, proper submission form. All of that can be transferred to a CRM if you need that and you can run a simple call center of your own for about $50 per month for the CRM. You can set up a company email easily and get those leads transferred into that if you wish.
Your Website Storefront: Your website has to be customized for color and style to represent your product or service. Color and color combinations are extremely important to make a customer feel comfortable. The style makes it easy to navigate and therefore more responsive.
Content: A responsive website does not require a lot of content. It requires the proper content to explain what you do or what you have simply and quickly. Many times, less is more. This allows a perspective customer to find out more information through a phone call, email, or submission form. People get bored quickly as their attention span shortens. Simple and quick is best for a response driven website.
Content Articles: Content articles are not part of your website that people will see that much. They are more for organic authority. A well written article is about 1000 to 1500 words and uses the keywords related to your product or service. This is what Google crawls and that article page will raise in Google rankings over a period of time. This can get you free leads moving into the future.
Keywording: Keywording is very important for the main website, landing pages, articles, and SEO for organic search and for Google ad ranking for that keyword related to your ad, landing page, and submission form page if you use one. In most cases a submission page gives you an advantage of capturing a customer’s information and making direct contact with them. Keywording is the single most important aspect of your website using proper SEO to accentuate those keywords.
Videos: You DO NOT need an expensive live video to get across what you need to get across. An animation that is well done does not cost that much and is more affective because you can make changes as time goes on for little money or effort. A video is another way to explain what you do or what you have to sell. Connecting your video to YouTube can be very powerful by advertising on YouTube for pennies on the dollar. About $.03 per click is an average.
Shopping Cart: We can set up your shopping cart with your merchant provider or set you up a new merchant provider if you wish. A shopping cart gets immediate sales and revenue. We can help with fulfillment providers as well if you need shipping assistance.
We offer a full-service website program for a more than competitive price. Contact us for more information and we think you will be impressed by what we have already done and what we can do for you. See Our Business Websites & Videos Here